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Genres: Shot on film, Compilation, Anal, Oral, Butt Play, Double Anal Penetration, Leather, Outdoor Sex, Muscles, Classic Featuring Falcon exclusives Landon Conrad, Roman Hart, Angelo Ma. With each installment of the Aspen series, Falcon shows off the hottest of its current collection of world-class stars and sexy neers, and Aspen VI is no exception.

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The two-hour and forty-six minute movie, filmed on location, features a huge ten-man orgy, nine long scenes, lots of big dicks and nearly two hours of actual, quality fucking. Landon agrees, and with a spacious Aspen getaway all to himself, he decides to invite all his buddies over for a sex party. The official trailer and ordering page can be accessed at Landon Conrad is asked by his sexy friends to watch over their Aspen house while they take a trip to Mexico to avoid the snow. Now, the sixth installment of the most successful franchise in gay porn history is available for delivery. The Other Side of Aspen 1 - 6 is only available with this collector's set.įalcon Studios was built on the success of its first release, The Other Side of Aspen. Genres: African American, Anal Sex, Butt Play, Cum Shots, Feet, Group Sex, Orgies, Interacial, Jockstraps, Oral Sex, Pre Condom ,Condom, Fetish, Fisting Cast: Casey Donovan, Al Parker, Chad Benson, Dick Fisk, Jeff Turk

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